Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Avery’s Friend Jasper

Six years later, the memory of meeting Jack for the first time is as vivid as if it had happened yesterday. Wardrobe aside, it was amazing. We instantly clicked. I can’t recall which film we saw. I only remember our hands began to touch sometime before the opening credits finished rolling. I sat sobbing in the kitchen of the home we built together, soaking in the reality of Jack wanting out of our relationship. My quiet contemplation was interrupted by a call from Jasper. I’d never been happier to hear his voice.

I’ve known Jasper for longer than he’d care to admit. We became the best of friends in junior high school and have been that way ever since. The most wonderful thing about our relationship is that our life paths are uniquely different from each other’s. This has afforded us the ability to both give and receive vastly diverse perspectives when helping each other through this so-called life.

I’ll give you an example of how dissimilar our paths have been. While I diligently worked toward my nursing degree, Jasper dropped out of college practically the same day he enrolled to join the touring troupe of a Broadway musical. While I was interning at my current employer, he was living the life of a socialite in Sydney, Australia. Just as I admire his ability to continuously reinvent himself, he admires my success in systematically accomplishing each of my goals.

From his apartment in New York, Jasper listened patiently as I hysterically recounted the morning’s tragic events. Once I’d said all that could be said, I paused for his response. Never at a loss for words, he immediately retorted, “Well… If he wants to act like a prick, we’ll treat him like a prick.” Huh? I heard him take a long sip of his morning coffee. “We,” he continued, “have to screw him. Hard.”

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