Friday, April 15, 2011

Avery Hearts Xanax

Although I felt a little better during my telephone conversation with Jasper, the tide shifted when I hung up the telephone. It was only 9:00am, and I was already through a bottle of Whole Food’s Three Wishes Cabernet Sauvignon. As I meandered through the apartment, I was overcome with all of the memories that we’d made here in two short years. This was our dream home.

When I walked into the second bedroom (aka Jack’s office), my eye immediately caught an envelope. The return address was the colorful logo of our landlord’s real estate company. All quiet contemplation flew out the window. “Holy crap!” I thought to myself, “We’re in contract to by this place.” Panic set in.

I ran back to the kitchen only to discover that my bottle of Three Wishes was empty. Double panic. Now, I’ve been known to have a panic attack or two. Couple that with my asthma, and you have a very ugly situation. The only way to get through this, I immediately decided, was by going back to therapy. In the meantime, I needed Xanax.

I Love (Heart) Xanax Dark T-ShirtI searched through the contacts of my cell until I reached the number of my general practitioner. The nurse on the other end sounded dramatically chipper for that time of morning. That said, I was dramatically somber, so who am I to criticize.

I explained that I was feeling severe anxiety and was planning to see my therapist. Until then, I desperately needed a Xanax refill. “Not a problem,” the nurse said. She’ll send the prescription to the pharmacy. It would not be available, however, until late afternoon. My doctor had the morning off. Of course, the nurse is answering the phone while the doctor’s still in bed (but I won’t get into those sour grapes here). Fine. I popped two Unisom pills and drifted into a light sleep.

Perhaps this was all a dream. Perhaps I’d wake up in a few hours and Jack would be in the living room. Perhaps he’d be watching one of his silly movies while playing with the cats. Perhaps lasagna would be baking in the oven and a delicious bottle of Merlot would be breathing on the dining room table. Perhaps the hurt and confusion and anger and guilt that I felt at that moment would all be a distant memory. The faded remnants of an overly vivid nightmare. Perhaps.
I Love (Heart) Xanax Dark T-Shirt

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