Monday, April 18, 2011

Avery Hearts Xanax, Part II

Startled and disoriented are the two words that best describe how I felt when I awoke from my Unisom induced coma. The bedside alarm clock displayed 6:21 PM. I’d slept for nearly 10 hours. “What a crazy dream,” I thought to myself, “Can’t wait to tell Jack.” As I stepped out of bed, Bouncer, my black cat, yowled in the other room. A wave of panic set in.

You must understand that Bouncer’s probably the quietest cat in all existence. He only speaks when he’s ready to take his meal— I want to be a cat in my next life. Always home by 5:30, Jack feeds Bouncer and Bertie (the tabby) daily at 6:00. Bouncer’s call let me know that Jack had not come home.

I fed the beasts and checked my voicemail. Jack always calls when running late. Nothing. Merely 12 hours ago, I was in a happy, committed relationship. I’d planned on spending the rest of my life with Jack, yet now could only wonder if he planned on returning to the condo to collect his belongings.

Before my self-pity party could get too well underway, I remembered that a much needed Xanax prescription was waiting for me at Walgreens. Finally, a light at the end of the tunnel. Well a flashlight anyway.

Keys in hand, I hurried to the elevator. No sooner did I press the call button, my cell phone rang. Unfortunately, it was still inside the apartment. To add insult to injury, the elevator arrived just as I re-entered the unit. What was that saying about timing, again?

I followed the ringing trail to my bedroom, where the phone set on the nightstand. “Please be Jack,” I thought to myself. I don’t know what I intended to say to him. “I’m sorry.” “Forgive me.” “I hate you.” “How could you do this to me?”

I paused. “The right words will come,” I said (Yes, I talk to myself—don’t judge.).  I took a deep breath and answered the phone. God, I need my Xanax.

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