Friday, April 29, 2011

Avery and the Promise Box

My gift to Jack had to come from the soul. Jasper and I knew exactly what to purchase. After visiting numerous little shops around the Upper East Side, we came across a modestly elegant sterling silver box. We then pressed on to Jasper’s stationer where I purchased 19 individual notecards, each precisely sized to fit perfectly into the box.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Avery Searches for a Bloody Mary

Step one of my New York mea culpa was let Jack know exactly how committed I was to mending and fortifying our relationship. Jasper and I immediately sprang into action the morning after my arrival. Well, not immediately.

Following the previous night’s wine binge, Jasper and I woke with awful hangovers. Jasper’s husband Robert, who makes the best red snappers in the universe, had already left for his office. We were forced to fend for ourselves. After multiple false starts and four cups of coffee, we managed to dress and leave the apartment.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Avery Versus the Doctors

I slowly turned the knob and opened the door. Save for the setting sun, there was no light in the apartment. The cats were nowhere to be found. I would’ve thought I were alone were it not for the sound of the television coming for our bedroom.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Avery Weighs His Options

The unlocked front door could only mean one thing: Jack was back. I froze. I couldn’t breathe. What was I going to say to this man who, only 12 hours ago, chose to end our six year relationship. A million thoughts ran through my head.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Avery Meets His Neighbors

How could my doctor be so stupid? His missing license number was the only thing standing between mental piece of mind and me. I sighed, resigning to the fact that I would have to wait another day to get my Xanax prescription refilled. After purchasing a large bottle of Advil— a consolation prize of sorts—, I made the disappointing journey home.